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Dermatoglyphics – DoraSan™


The word Dermatoglyphics comes from two Greek words (derma, skin, and glyph, carve) and refers to the friction ridge formations which appear on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Dermatoglyphics is the scientific study of fingerprints. The term was coined by Dr. Harold Cummins, the father of American fingerprint analysis, even though the process of fingerprint identification had already been used for several hundred years. All primates have ridged

Personality can be traced early in the mother’s womb, and it is reflected in fingerprints (Dermatoglyphics). Since each person’s fingerprints are unique, we can understand one’s innate potential, personality, and preferences by analyzing Dermatoglyphics. The study of fingerprints has become more common, therefore, some parents began to analyze their child’s (or baby’s) prints; with the intention to identify their potential early, and provide guidance accordingly to help expand their potential.

Striae generally refers to stripes in the body. Our fingers and feet have the most stripes (lines). And the body lines up to hit the place is fingers and feet. Striae formation began at 19 weeks during pregnancy, when the brain and spinal cord began development separately. At this time, number of creases will gradually begin to form in the brain, and creases will be reflected on the fingerprints. The different regions of our brain are reflected by our 10 fingerprints. And Dermatoglyphics is DNA reflected in the appearance of our body. It is unique and it will not change.

The first time when skin stripes were recorded and documented was in 1823 by Czech Doctor Pa Jinjie. At that time he had taken note that the palm is covered by a surface layer of wrinkles, which made up specific lines. Each fingerprint is unique; fingerprints on the right hand will not be the same as the ones on the left and. While fingerprints will increase in size (from childhood to adulthood), it will not change, as long as one is not seriously injured. When there is no damage to the dermis, fingerprints will begin to show again along with the healing of the wound.