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Wechsler Preschool And Primary Scale Of Intelligence – III (WPPSI- III) – DoraSan™

Wechsler Preschool And Primary Scale Of Intelligence - III (WPPSI- III)

The Wechsler preschool and primary scale of intelligence (WPPSI) is an intelligence test designed for children ages 2years 6 months to 7 years 3 months developed by David Wechsler in 1967. It provides subset and composite scores that represent intellectual functioning of verbal and performance cognitive domains, as well as providing a composite score that represents a child’s general intellectual ability.

Uses of WPPSI

  • As an assessment of general intellectual functioning
  • As part of an assessment to identify intellectual giftedness
  • To identify cognitive delay and learning difficulties.

The US standardization of the WPPSI-III included 1700 children aged 2 year 6month – 7 years 3 months.

The reliability coefficient for the WPPSI-III US composite scales ranges from .89 to .95.

The WPPSI-III has been formally linked with the WIAT-II (The Psychological Corporation 2001).

The relationship between the WPPSI-III and the WPPSI-R, WISC-III, BSID-II, DAS, WIAT-II, and CMS was also explored in order to evaluate the assessments reliability. A number of special group studies were also carried out during standardization in order to improve the clinical utility of the tool.